Clubs & Organizations

The following clubs and organizations are available to students at Carver Middle School:

Student Council: 
Carver's Student Council is elected by the student body. They are our leaders and speakers at events and a touchpoint for faculty regarding student interest. Email Mrs. Carroll for more information.

Kingz is a mentoring program for boys. Students meet weekly with their adult mentor to work on character buidling activities and create a brotherhood. Students are recommended by faculty.  Email Mr. Edwards for more information.

The PALS club is a service and fun club focused on building social as well as educational skills for our girls.  Email Mr. Brothers or Email Dr. Barrett for more information.

(Girls Excelling in Math and Science) clubs were started in 1994 to encourage students, especially girls, to pursue education and careers in STEM fields, particularly technology, engineering and related high-paying, entrepreneurial enterprises. GEMS clubs strive to insure that a child sees themselves as a change agent or a problem-solver, a possible technology entrepreneur, engineer or a scientist, and as a person who makes a difference. Email Ms.  Beasley for more information. 

Leo Club:
Leo Club is an international service organization for youth sponsored by the Lions Club. Meetings are currently virtual. Email Dr. Betsill for more information.  

Girls on the Run:
The mission of Girls on the Run is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. While we do run, and our goal is to run a 5k at the end of the season, we also do activities to work on the self-esteem of our girls.  Girls on the Run meets on Monday's and Wednesday's (this semester) from 3:15-5:15.  Girls on the Run is a National Organization that promotes self-esteem and healthy living all over the country.  Email Ms. Byrd for more information.

Library Helpers:
Library helpers volunteer their free time before school and during lunch to help in the library, shelving and processing books and running the checkout counter. Helpers must go through an application process and training. Email Mrs. Roper for more information.

Gardening Club: 
Our garden club cares for our community garden in our courtyard. Email Ms. Maya Cothran for more information.

Student athletes are given the option to be a part of Fellow Christian Athletes. They meet before school on Thursdays. Email Mr. Miller for more information.