I Am A Student

General Information

Providing and maintaining a secure and safe campus for both our faculty and our students is one of our top priorities here at Carver Middle School. We request everyone’s assistance in providing our students a safe place to learn and our faculty a safe place to teach. Please review the information below.


  • It is unlawful for any non-student to be on school grounds at any time without permission of the principal. Visitors must go directly to the main office to state their business as soon as they arrive on campus.

  • Visitor’s passes are not issued without the principal’s permission.

  • Carver Middle School utilizes School Check In software. Please have your state issued driver’s license/I.D. with you when you enter the building.

  • Visitor’s passes must be worn in a visible location upon your person the entire time you are in the building.

  • You must sign in and out when visiting our school.

  • We respectfully request that your cell phones be turned off while you’re inside the building.

  • Students are not allowed to have visitors at school at any time.

  • Students who are absent or suspended from school are not to be on school premises.

  • Pursuant to the passing of Act 373 of 1994, all persons entering a public school property consents themselves to a search of their person, with or without probable cause, and their effects including without limitation, lockers, desks, vehicle, and personal belongings such as purses, book bags, wallets, and satchels.

  • When visiting our campus please secure your vehicles and do not leave valuables visible in your vehicle. School District Seven and Carver Middle School are not liable for any lost or stolen property or any damage to you vehicle while on school grounds.


  • Carver Middle School is equipped with security/surveillance cameras that are located throughout our building.

  • District Seven Policy requires periodic unannounced searches of cars, book bags, classrooms, and lockers by trained drug dogs. Parents will be notified in a timely manner following the search if warranted.

  • Carver Middle School provides a full time School Resource Officer on school grounds during operating hours. We encourage that you, as well as your student utilize our Resource Officer.

  • Carver Middle School enforces a Zero Tolerance policy with reference to Weapons, Drugs, and Gang Activity


  • Upon arrival to school, students are to report to the gymnasium. A bell rings at 7:45 and students are permitted to go to their lockers and then report to their first period class. Breakfast is served and the announcements are broadcast on the school television network.

  • Attendance is taken each period and excessive tardies and dismissals may cause students to lose credit for classes missed.

  • Students are dismissed only at class change and a parent or guardian must have a photo id to sign a student out for early dismissal . School ends at 3:10 and students are expected to report to their after school activity or exit the building by 3:15. Car riders and walkers exit at the front of the school and bus riders report to the bus ramp at the rear of the school.

Health Room