Clubs and Organizations
Academic Team
The Academic Team trains to compete in buzzer-based trivia tournaments in our region. Question topics span a wide variety of academic areas including science, history, geography, literature, fine arts and more. The team practices during Power Hour and after school one day/week. Practice is open to all students, although participation in tournaments may be limited. Anyone who enjoys showing what they know in a competitive but fun environment is encouraged to join.
Advisor: Katie Baymiller
The Alliance
The Alliance gives students a safe, open, and accepting environment in which to be themselves, meets and discusses many issues plaguing the LGBT community, such as same-sex marriage, bullying, and other topics members may bring up to be discussed, and helps spread an atmosphere of trust and acceptance around Spartanburg High School so that students will feel happier in their learning environment. We meet monthly. All SHS students are welcome to attend.
Advisor: Bevin Seay
Anchor Club
Anchor Club is a service club open to ALL students. Members are selected based on character, leadership, and scholarship. The club sponsors a variety of service activities throughout the year. Members must maintain a certain participation point level to remain in club. Meetings will occur during Viking Hour.
Advisors: Allison Hall and Bevin Seay
Black History Club
The Black History Club has maintained a rich history of helping students appreciate the part African Americans have played in the cultural heritage of the United States. The club also participates in a variety of activities, such as the step team, to foster self-awareness, confidence, and leadership in club members. The Black History Club also promotes community involvement and embraces the adage of “Lifting as we climb.” The club is open to all students. Advisor: Meredith Burroughs and Sherrina Black
Chess Club
The Spartanburg High School Chess Club is designed to provide and promote chess within the school and to provide a learning environment where the game can be played, taught, studied, and enjoyed. Meetings are in Room 322-D on Mondays of each week after school until 4:15. We compete in approximately 1-2 tournaments a year. Feel free to join us whether you are a seasoned player or just wanting to learn. Advisor: Justin Hoyle
Cyber-patriots/cyber-vikings Club
CyberPatriot is part of the National Youth Cyber Education Program created by the Air Force Association to inspire K-12 students towards careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. We will have 2 teams at SHS who will compete with other schools in the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition. Top teams can earn paid trips to the National finals event where they can also earn national recognition and scholarship money. SHS Cyber-Coach: Dennis Roberts and Adam Babcock.
Fellowship Of Christian Athletes
The Spartanburg High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a huddle of the national interdenominational organization whose purpose is: “To present to athletes and coaches and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.” Sponsor: Kim Jordan.
First Circle
First Circle is open to students and faculty who are interested in a writing experience beyond the classroom. The central goal of First Circle will be to develop, construct, and publish the literary magazine. Faculty Sponsor: Jessica Stevens and Katie Cockrell.
The purpose of the French Club is to encourage interest in and the continued study of the French language and the culture of Francophone countries. Activities include cheese-tastings, playing pétanque, making Mardi Gras masks and celebrating holidays of Francophone countries. Membership is open to any interested student. Advisor: Nancy Jacobs
Future Business Leaders Of America
FBLA broadens club members awareness of opportunities in the business community. Membership is open to any student currently enrolled in at least one business course and to previous members. Advisor: TBD
German Club
German Club members meet monthly and usually enjoy food from the German speaking countries. We go to local German/Swiss/Austrian restaurants as well as get together for German desserts and Christmas cake. The German Club is open to any German student who maintains at least a “C” average. Advisor: Nina Jackson
German National Honor Society
The German National Honor Society is an honorary organization for students of German. To be a member, a student must have a 3.6 or better average in German after three semesters of study as well as a GPR of 3.0 or better in all other subjects. New members are inducted into the society in February. Membership entitles students to meet certain criteria to compete for all-expense-paid trips to Germany sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of German. Advisor: Nina Jackson.
Girlz United
The purpose of Girlz United is to inspire young women to be successful, equip young women for any career choice, give young women job shadowing experience with local successful women, provide motivational speakers, expose young women to scholarship opportunities, and provide guidance in career choices. Advisors: Mrs. Tally Pruett and Taleisha Moore
The primary purpose of this club is to increase students’ knowledge and awareness of the humanitarian crisis spanning the globe and to raise money for charitable organizations through student-led fund drives, incorporating education, activism, and community involvement. Advisor:
International Club
The purpose of this club is to explore different languages and their cultures. In the International Club, we have an organizational meeting, Oktoberfest/German, Saturnalia/Latin, Chinese New year/China, Mardi Gras/French, and Cinco de Mayo/Spanish. Each function has food from that language/country, music, and games. Advisors: Jessica Rodriguez, Nina Jackson, Joy Powers, Katie Baymiller
Drill Team – Open to all SHS JROTC cadets interested in representing the battalion at Drill Competitions throughout the Carolinas and Virginia. The drill team focuses on basic regulation armed and unarmed drill and marching skills at the individual, squad and platoon level. Tryouts are conducted during August and January and practices are conducted twice each week from August through April. Coach: .Sgt. Major Bryan
Rifle Marksmanship Team -Open to all SHS JROTC cadets interested in representing the battalion at Air Rifle Marksmanship Matches throughout the Carolinas and Virginia. The rifle team focuses on gun safety and improving individual marksmanship skills. Tryouts are conducted during August and January and practices are three times each week from August through April. Coach: Sgt. Major Bryan
Color Guard Team – Open to all SHS JROTC cadets interested in representing the battalion at Color Guard Drill Competitions throughout the Carolinas, Georgia, and Virginia. In addition to representing the battalion at meets, the team presents the colors during school and community events throughout the year. Tryouts are conducted during August and January and practices conducted once each week from August through April. Coach:
Raider Team – Open to all SHS JROTC cadets interested in representing the battalion at Raider Team Competitions throughout the Carolinas, Georgia, and Virginia. The raider team focuses on individual physical fitness, first aid, knot tying, land navigation and high adventure training activities. Tryouts are conducted during August and January and practices are three times each week from August through April. Coach: Sgt. Major Bryan
Archery Team – Open to all SHS JROTC cadets interested in representing the battalion at Archery Matches throughout the Carolinas. The archery team focuses on archery safety and improving individual archery skills. Tryouts are conducted during August and January and practices are three times each week from August through April. Coach: JUNIOR CIVITANS
Mu Alpha Theta
Mu Alpha Theta (ΜΑΘ), the Math Club, was organized in the spring of 1987. This is an honorary mathematics society with membership open to students who have completed two years of college preparatory mathematics and are currently enrolled in a college preparatory mathematics course. Students must have an overall 4.00 average plus a 4.00 average in all math courses. The club participates in a variety of activities, such as food drives, annual lunch or breakfast, and club officers’ elections. The club offers students a chance to connect with like-minded individuals to promote excitement for math while providing opportunities for networking in a fun environment that builds friendship and comradery! For more information, please go to
Advisor: Dr. Samina Alimohamed.
National Art Honor Society
NAHS is composed of people who are interested in various phases of the visual arts. Members work in the art rooms on extra projects after school. Grade requirement: 3.500 GPR in art courses. Meetings: Third Thursday of every month. Advisor: Beth Walsh
National Beta Club
The purpose of the Beta Club is to reward achievement and community service as well as encourage students to continue their education after high school. Members must maintain a cumulative 3.75 grade point ration and show outstanding citizenship. Ninth grade students will need 4 unit credits. Advisors: Jade Eaves
National Honor Society
Membership in NHS is both an honor and a responsibility. Juniors and Seniors, who are selected for membership are expected to continue to demonstrate the qualities of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. To be selected the student must be a junior or senior at SHS for one semester.Each Junior and Senior who has been at SHS for at least one semester and has achieved an overall 4.25 GPR with no discipline records Students that meet membership requirements will be sent a formal invitation in the first quarter of the new school year with information to join. Members are required to submit 5 service hours per quarter. Advisor: Kristin Owens and Mary Margaret Crocker
Spanish Club
The purpose of the Spanish Club is to encourage interest in and the continued study of the language and the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Activities include trying foods, making arts and crafts, dancing and listening to music from Spanish-speaking countries. Membership is open to any interested student. Advisor: Nancy Jacobs & Daniela Tilley
Yoga Club
Yoga Club is open to all interested students. We typically meet once a month after school on Thursdays and also on several Saturdays throughout the year to participate in studio classes given by a certified instructor. Students should bring yoga mats and wear loose clothing at these classes. Advisor: TBA
Youth In Government
Youth in Government is a YMCA-sponsored program that provides opportunity and growth essential for middle and high school students through civic engagement and leadership training. It is an organization that gives students the opportunity to model state, national, and global government while investigating current issues, debating ideas, and developing their own foundation of how they see the world. Yet, aside from modeling state legislatures, appeals courts, and a criminal trial, Youth in Government also introduces and instills the values of tolerance, education, service and character. Sponsor: