SHS Publications

First Circle

Spartanburg High School’s literary magazine, First Circle, is published at the end of the year. This student magazine is a compilation of literary works, art, and photography all done by SHS students. 

Norse News

Spartanburg High School newspaper is taking a new approach to the newspaper this year! Norse News can now be found at online at With this transition, Norse News will be better able to reach their audience and provide the most up-to-date stories. The Norse News team has worked hard to create a website that is neat, easily accessible and entertaining for readers. There will be two hardcopy print issues of Norse News through out the school year, so be on the lookout for these special editions.

Norse News also gives students on the newspaper staff valuable experience in journalistic writing, editing, and business management. Tryouts for journalists are held every fall.


Spartanburg High School’s annual, the SAGA, is published at the end of each school year. SAGA, primarily an assemblage of pictures, serves as a permanent record of all that has happened in school during the year. It contains individual student and faculty pictures as well as pictures of clubs, class beauties, and senior superlatives. The annual staff is chosen similar to the way the newspaper staff is chosen and meets in the SAGA office daily.

The cost for SAGA will be $70 at the beginning of the year, increase to $75 by mid-year, and increase to $80 toward the end of the year. Announcements will be made to inform students of these price changes during the year. 

Weekly Newsletter

All club, publications, and other group announcements that are to appear in The Weekly E-Newsletter should be turned in to Ms. Means by Thursday of each week. These announcements will be in the bulletin the following week. Each announcement must be written and signed by the faculty sponsor. Regular club meetings and athletic events will automatically appear. The E-Newsletter will be emailed to students, parents, and teachers every Thursday of each week.