Please contact Mr. Smith with all comments and concerns.
Mr. Ryan Smith
Viking Care Closet
The purpose of the Viking Care Closet is to provide necessary items to any member of the Viking family who is in need.
Personal Items
Home goods
School Supplies
Non-perishable food items
If you know of any student that is in need of any of the items above:
Teachers: Contact his/her Guidance Counselor or Assistant Principal
Guidance/AP's: Submit a list of items needed (sizes included) to Mr. Ryan Smith, or if the student is comfortable, send him/her to Mr. Smith directly (all students will be treated with respect and utmost discretion will be used in each case).
Our goal is to help anyone in need! We will gladly accept donations such as:
Gently-used clothing
School supplies
Non-perishable food items
Household items
Unused personal items