Check Out Policies

Library Check Out

  • We are excited that your child will be visiting our school library this year. We want to encourage a love of reading and books.

  • Your child will be able to check out one book at a time (K-2nd) or 2 books at a time (3rd-5th). They will be able to keep this book for one week and return it to the library on their next library visit.  We can set up a library account for a parent.  You can check out books, too!

  • Please help your child let us know if an accident happens to the book. Do not leave it in the return basket without telling the librarian. We will do everything we can to repair the book, but sometimes a fine must be assessed.

  • Essential agreements include respecting learning time, being responsible, and being considerate.

Book Care

  • Create a special place in your home to keep library books. Keep books away from toddlers and family pets. 

  • Keep food and drinks away from library books!

  • Use a bookmark. Don't fold the corner to mark your place!

  • Bring your book back on time. It's fun to get new books!

Free Online Resource


Ask your teacher for the username and password to use DISCUS at home.

Playaway Audio Books

With your permission 4th and 5th grade students may check out an audio book called a Playaway.  (Students provide their own earbuds and AAA battery.)  In the event of damage or loss, you would be responsible for the replacement cost ($50.00 - $80.00) 

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Carrie Shoolbred/Email Carrie Shoolbred