
Tricia Pressley

Tricia Pressley

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Jesse Boyd Elementary Guidance & Counseling website. My name is Tricia Pressley and I am in my 12th year as the school counselor at Jesse Boyd. I feel honored to be able to work with such a wonderful group of young people each day, and look forward to many more years of growing and changing as we work toward our goal of becoming an International Baccalaureate accredited school.

As a school counselor, my main goal is to assist students in achieving their maximum personal development, both as individuals and learners. Guidance and counseling, as described in more detail below, are essential components of the educational process, helping students to recognize their needs and abilities, and helping them to develop strategies to realize their full potential. Various activities, interventions, and services assist with this. The primary role of the guidance counselor is to implement a developmental guidance program that will help all students acquire skills in the educational, social, and vocational areas necessary for living in a global society. Guidance counselors act as student advocates and work closely with other educators, parents and community members to provide opportunities for students to develop the skills necessary to lead productive, fulfilling lives.

The Elementary Program

  • The Elementary Program uses 3 approaches with children:

    1. Weekly Classroom Guidance

    2. Small Group Activities

    3. Individual Counseling

    Small Groups are developed during the year to discuss common topics between peers. These are formed on an as needed basis and may include topics such as divorce, loss, social behaviors & friendships.
    Individual counseling takes place with students who need individual support and help with specific issues they are experiencing at home or in school. Teachers or parents may refer a student for counseling. There are also counseling request forms available for students to make self referrals. Guidance Curriculum: Various topics are discussed in guidance classes throughout the year. Our I.B. Attitudes and Learner Profiles are referenced as we discuss topics such as cooperation, feelings, friendship, self-esteem, making healthy choices, using good judgment, decision making, stranger safety, healthy habits, conflict resolution, bullying, organization/study skills and career opportunities. Our Wall of Pride.

    As our school works our way through the International Baccalaureate Accreditation Process, students are becoming more familiar with the Attitudes and Learner Profiles that exemplify an internationally minded student. We strive to recognize students as much as possible when they portray these attributes. Please stop by sometime to see our Awesome Attitude bulletin board, where these attitudes and profiles have been displayed.

    Welcome to Jesse Boyd Elementary

    Patricia Pressley
    Email Patricia Pressley