girls looking at books

Carver Library Receives Grants

The Carver Library has been the recipient of two grants this Spring. The first, from Hub City Book Shop, granted the library $1000 worth of new titles. At the end-of-the-year reading party, all 65 students were able to take home a brand-new paperback for summer reading. Hardbound copies were also added to the library collection for use beginning next school year.

Secondly, the organization donated ten books by Palestinian authors to the library's collection. 

"Donors, such as Hub City Book Shop and We Need Diverse Books, allow our library to put current stories by authors of different backgrounds in front of our students. Books build empathy and allow us to explore the world," said Rebecca Roper, teacher librarian at Carver. "We are so grateful for these opportunities."

students with donated books

students look at books