We're taking an 8th grade trip to Atlanta!!! See the attached letter for all the details.
Atlanta Parent LetterDistrict 7 is putting on SHREK THE MUSICAL!!! Auditions are upcoming. If you child has any interest in acting, dance, or music this is an opportunity for them! Even if it's their first time. Check out the flyer.
Shrek AuditionsTrack seasons begins in the Spring but the conditioning has already started. See the flyer. A current physical is required for participation.
Track Conditioning. Other sports open for students now are wrestling, lacrosse, softball, and soccer. I would also love to see a Carver student participate in golf, tennis, or swimming. Email Coach Ashley Cannon, our Athletic Director, at ancannon@spart7.org.On behalf of D7 Trustee, Vernon Beatty, your child is invited to audition for AN EVENING OF TALENT EXPRESSIONS. https://www.facebook.com/AnEveningofTalentExpressions.
Talent Expressions8th Grade Individual Graduation Plans. Yep! It's time to start thinking about your child graduating high school. Schedule your child's IGP meeting here.
6. It's very important to know where your child is scoring on iReady. This the assessment that shows you what grade level your child is achieving at and allows you to track their growth over time. It's very important that you know and understand this data. You knowing this and talking with them about it also helps their motivation for the next assessment. They will take the assessment again in December. See the document to get access to your child's data and reach out to us if you need any help.
Parent iReady Access