All South Carolina public schools use the uniform grading policy adopted by our state. Click here to view the entire uniform grading policy. For 1st-5th grades, it states that:
90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
0 – 59 = F
K5 student progress is reported to parents on a checklist and does not follow the A-F letter grade system. In K5 and 1st grade, grades are skill based, and student progress is shown in these ways:
C – Consistently 4 = Exceeds the Standard
S – Sometimes 3 = Meets the Standard
N – Not Yet 2 = Approaches the Standard
1 = Does Not Meet the Standard
Blank = Not Yet Assessed
Their reading level will be designated as: Beginning K (BK), Middle K (MK), End K (EK), Beginning 1, (B1), Middle 1 (M1), End 1 (E1), Beginning 2 (B2)
We send home report cards four times a year, once after each 9 week grading period. Additionally, progress reports go home at the halfway point between issuing report cards. DMES teachers send home weekly reports, and you are welcome to check your child’s grades via our PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you ever have a question about grades, please contact your child’s teacher.