Nurse and Wellness
Karen Peterson, DMES nurse, has experience in family medicine and pediatrics. Her passion is pediatrics, and she loves working with elementary school-aged children. Nurse Peterson loves the DMES community and is thankful for being able to care for your children.
Audrey Huston, RN, school nurse has experience working with individuals across the lifespan. Her passion is working with school-aged children, helping keep them healthy safe in school and ready to learn. I am thankful for the DMES community for allowing me to take care of your children.
Both nurses strive to keep our DMES children healthy, safe, in school and ready to learn. Each Nurse is a vital part of our DMES Schhol Safety Plan.
Either nurse may be reached at (864) 586-7979 or you may email either one email by clicking here, Email Karen Peterson or Email Audrey Huston.
In a further commitment to child well-being, Spartanburg District 7 maintains and abides by a wellness policy. This (along with other policies) may be obtained by clicking here, Spartanburg 7 Wellness Policy.
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