Visitor Policy
You are welcome here! We hope that you will join us for special events, visit our classrooms, join your children for lunch, participate in PTO and SIC. Please note that if you join your child for lunch, we have tables reserved for visitors and their children and respectfully ask that you not sit at the student tables.
For the safety of your children, we do require that all visitors abide by our policy. All visitors must report to the school office to check in, and visits may not interfere with instruction or supervision. All conferences must be scheduled in advance. Only parents/legal guardians or those granted permission by parents/legal guardians are permitted to visit. State law and board policy authorize school administration to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the building or school grounds, and disturbing school is a misdemeanor.
At the beginning of the school year, for a period designated by school administration, parents may walk their children to class. Those attending a school program will be granted entrance to the school in the absence of a typical office check in.
We welcome parent chaperones, and interested parents should indicate their intent to attend on the field trip form. If space is limited, we will only be able to include a certain number of parent chaperones as determined by school administration. All chaperones must be on the SCSD7 approved chaperone list, and the application form is on the SCSD7 website. As background checks may take up to two weeks, please apply for this list well in advance. Parents may ride on district buses if space allows. If there is not space and the location allows it, parents may drive their own cars, but students must ride on the bus. A chaperone’s child may be dismissed to that parent after a field trip and ride home with his/her parent, but no other students may do so.