About The Library

Media Center News

The McCracken Middle School Media Center serves over 900 students in grades 6 through 8. To provide extended access to our facility and our resources, our doors open at 7:15 and close at 3:15. 

Our collection of over 12,000 items includes books, Playaways, and CDs, as well as professional books and videos for teachers. Users can find items by using our Destiny catalog. Our patrons, both students and teachers, continue to help us maintain the quality of our collection by giving us suggestions for titles to add to our holdings.  

Click here to request a new book for our media center.

Our books can be checked out for a period of two weeks. CDs and Playaways (digital audiobooks) may also be checked out for two weeks with a parent/guardian permission form on file. Reference books do not circulate, but are available for in-library use. We do not charge fines for overdue materials, however students may not check out more materials until they have taken care of lost or overdue items. Paying attention to due dates is important. Students may renew items for two more weeks if needed.

Guidelines about procedures and expectations for library usage and Internet safety are published in the Parent/Student Handbook, shared with all students at the beginning of the school year, and displayed within the library.

Thank you for visiting our site. If you have questions about the Library Media Center, please feel free to contact our media specialist, Email Kim Wells.


We endeavor to develop in all students and staff the ability to access and use information independently in a variety of formats. The resulting skills support, enrich, and supplement classroom instruction, stimulate intellectual curiosity and creativity, support the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of the world, develop critical judgment and aesthetic appreciation, and celebrate reading.

Media Center Staff