General Information

MMS Parent Student Handbook 2024-2025

Bell Schedule

D7 Middle School Code of Conduct

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Health and Wellness


Christy Thompson Email Christy Thompson

Melynda Scott Email Melynda Scott

Clinic Hours: 7:30 am - 3:00 pm 
Clinic Phone Number : (864) 594-4457

The McCracken Health Room is designed to treat minor injuries and illnesses. Should a student become ill, only those persons designated on the Health Information /Emergency Release Card will be contacted to pick up the student. All telephone numbers must be recorded on the Health Information/Emergency Release Card and updated immediately if changes occur during the school year.


In order to protect the safety of both the student receiving the medication and other students in the building, district medication guidelines have been established. These guidelines are consistent with state law and are specifically designed to prevent any mishaps.
Medication includes both prescription and non-prescription medications and includes those taken by mouth, taken by inhaler, those which are injectable, applied as drops to the eye or nose or applied to the skin. Prescription medications cannot be given at school without:

A written health care practitioner’s order, which includes:

  • Student’s name

  • Name of Medication

  • Dosage

  • Time(s) to administer medicine

  • Route to administration

  • Reason for medication

  • Side effects that would require notification of the health care practitioner

  • Written parent/ guardian consent

  • A current pharmacy-labeled contain


Medication administered by school nurse will be given under the following guidelines:

General Guidelines

  • Parents of students with special needs such as diabetes, catheterizations, tube feedings, severe allergies, asthma, etc., are responsible for making an appointment with the school nurse within the first 5 days of school. Parents are also responsible for keeping her informed of changes during the course of the year, and for providing all necessary supplies for the student. “Necessary supplies” may include: snacks, glucose tablets, ketone strips, catheters, disposable briefs, tube feeding supplies, Epi-pens, etc. These will be determined when you meet with the nurse.

  • All medications are kept in a secure area in the nurse’s office. Only the school nurse or principal’s designees will assist students with medication.

  • The school will not send home any medication with a student. Medications will only be released to the student’s parent or to an individual at least eighteen (18) years old who has been designated. Nurse will dispose of any medication not picked up by the end of the school year.

  • Emergency Medications (e.g., INHALERS, EPI-PENS)

Students who require the immediate availability of medication may be allowed to keep it with them rather than in the health room only in accordance with the guidelines for self-medicating. All parents/guardians of students carrying such medications assume responsibility for assuring that the carried medication is in a pharmacy labeled container, and is neither out-dated nor empty.

Injectable Medications

Injectable Medications (such insulin or Epi-pens) may be self-administered, or may be administered by the school nurse. If the student has an emergency medication (such as glucagon) to be administered by injection and cannot personally inject it, EMS will be called to the scene if the nurse is not present. School personnel will not be expected to administer injections not supplied in auto-pen form if the nurse is not available.