Athletic Eligibility

  1. In order for any student to participate on any athletic teams, they must be academically promoted from the previous year. Not socially promoted.

  2. To be eligible, all students must pass the 4 core subject areas: Math, Science, Social Studies, and English-Language Arts with a yearly average grade of C or better.

  3. Students who earned credits in a summer school approved by the State Department of Education may become eligible for that academic year. There is a maximum of two units per year that may be used.

  4. If a student fails 3 or more classes and recovers 2 in summer school and is subsequently promoted (socially) while recovering the 3rd during the academic school year; he/she is not eligible to participate in a sport until they complete (recover) that credit and are academically promoted by the State Department of Education.

  5. Under the current South Carolina High School League program, students playing a first semester sport will be permitted to finish that sport if they are not performing at satisfactory level at the end of first semester even if that sport extends into the second semester. The head coach of that sport and/or administrator can grant permission for that athlete to continue under certain conditions that will be outlined by the head coach and/ or administration.

Athletes who become 15 years of age prior to July 1 of the upcoming academic school year will not be eligible to compete in any athletic activities during that academic year. No exceptions.