Eagle Traditions
School Colors
Green, Gold & White

Outstanding Programs
Talent Identification Program (Duke University)
TIP Academic Excellence Ceremony
South Carolina Junior Scholars
Academic Awards Program
Career Pathways
Career/Health Fair
Sixth Grade Parents Night (mid/ late spring)
Honor Roll Recognition
Math Olympiad
Region Band
McCracken Jazz Band, Rock Band, Master Muscians, Pep Band, Percussion Ensemble, Brass Choir
Region Band and All State Band
Region Orchestra and All State Orchestra
Region Chorus and All State Chorus
8th Grade Chorale
Southern Accents Singers
Excellence in Academics
School Wide Musical
McCracken Chamber Orchestra
Honor M Award for 8th Graders
School Wide Talent Show
New in 2014 Archery Team
McCracken Eagle Football, Volleyball, Wrestling, Basketball and Cheerleading
Achievements & Awards
Wordmasters: MMS has placed in the top ten in the nation since 2010
Student Council: 11 times most outstanding in South Carolina
Junior Beta Club and McCracken Scholarship Award
Gold Honor Council Award for the 5 years
School Spelling Bee; District Spelling Bee Winner 2014
McCracken Robotics Team, Blazing Eagles Region Winners and State Qualifier 2013,2014; Placed in State Championship 2013
McCracken Chorus Superior Ratings 2012-2018
McCracken Orchestra Superior Ratings 2012-2018
McCracken Chorale chosen to perform at SCMEA Conference 2014
McCracken Band rated Superior at Concert Festivals 2007-2018
McCracken students chosen for SC All-Region band, All-State bands, All-State Orchestra, Region Orchestra
Palmetto Silver Award for Academic Achievement and Closing the Achievement Gap 2011-2012
Palmetto Silver Award for Closing the Achievement Gap 2014-2015
Palmetto Gold Award for Academic Achievement 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015
National Schools to Watch 2015-2017
National School to Watch Redesignation 1 2017-2018