Eagle Traditions

School Colors

Green, Gold & White


Eagle Mascot

Outstanding Programs

  • Talent Identification Program (Duke University)

  • TIP Academic Excellence Ceremony

  • South Carolina Junior Scholars

  • Academic Awards Program

  • Career Pathways

  • Career/Health Fair

  • Sixth Grade Parents Night (mid/ late spring)

  • Honor Roll Recognition

  • Math Olympiad

  • Region Band

  • McCracken Jazz Band, Rock Band, Master Muscians, Pep Band, Percussion Ensemble, Brass Choir

  • Region Band and All State Band

  • Region Orchestra and All State Orchestra

  • Region Chorus and All State Chorus

  • 8th Grade Chorale

  • Southern Accents Singers

  • Excellence in Academics

  • School Wide Musical

  • McCracken Chamber Orchestra

  • Honor M Award for 8th Graders

  • School Wide Talent Show

  • New in 2014 Archery Team

  • McCracken Eagle Football, Volleyball, Wrestling, Basketball and Cheerleading

Achievements & Awards

  • Wordmasters: MMS has placed in the top ten in the nation since 2010

  • Student Council: 11 times most outstanding in South Carolina

  • Junior Beta Club and McCracken Scholarship Award

  • Gold Honor Council Award for the 5 years

  • School Spelling Bee; District Spelling Bee Winner 2014

  • McCracken Robotics Team, Blazing Eagles Region Winners and State Qualifier 2013,2014; Placed in State Championship 2013

  • McCracken Chorus Superior Ratings 2012-2018

  • McCracken Orchestra Superior Ratings 2012-2018

  • McCracken Chorale chosen to perform at SCMEA Conference 2014

  • McCracken Band rated Superior at Concert Festivals 2007-2018

  • McCracken students chosen for SC All-Region band, All-State bands,  All-State Orchestra, Region Orchestra

  • Palmetto Silver Award for Academic Achievement and Closing the Achievement Gap 2011-2012

  • Palmetto Silver Award for Closing the Achievement Gap 2014-2015

  • Palmetto Gold Award for Academic Achievement 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015

  • National Schools to Watch 2015-2017

  • National School to Watch Redesignation 1  2017-2018