NCAA Quick Facts

NCAA College Eligibility Quick Reference Sheet for Sports
Core Courses
NCAA Division I requires 16 core courses as of August 1, 2008. This rule applies to any student first entering any Division I college or university on or after August 1, 2008. See the chart below for the breakdown of this 16 core- course requirement.
NCAA Division II requires 14 core courses. See the breakdown of core-course requirements below. Please note Division II will require 16 core courses beginning August 1, 2013.
Test Scores
Division I has a sliding scale for test score and grade-point average. The sliding scale for those requirements is shown on page two of this sheet.
Division II has a minimum SAT score requirement of 820 or an ACT sum score of 68.
The SAT score used for NCAA purposes includes only the critical reading and math sections. The writing section of
the SAT is not used.
The ACT score used for NCAA purposes is a sum of the four sections on the ACT: English, mathematics, reading and science.
Grade-Point Average
Only core courses are used in the calculation of the grade-point average.
Be sure to look at your high school’s list of NCAA-approved core courses on the Eligibility Center's Web site to make certain that courses being taken have been approved as core courses. The Web site is
The Division II grade-point-average requirement is a minimum of 2.000.
16 Core-Course Rules
16 Core Courses:
4 years of English.
3 years of mathematics (Algebra I or higher).
2 years of natural/physical science (1 year of lab if offered by high school).
1 year of additional English, mathematics or natural/physical science.
2 years of social science.
4 years of additional courses (from any area above, foreign language or nondoctrinal religion/philosophy).
14 Core-Course Rules
14 Core Courses:
3 years of English.
2 years of mathematics (Algebra I or higher).
2 years of natural/physical science (1 year of lab if offered by high school).
2 years of additional English, mathematics or natural/physical science.
2 years of social science.
3 years of additional courses (from any area above, foreign language or non-doctrinal religion/philosophy).
PLEASE NOTE: Beginning August 1, 2013, students planning to attend an NCAA Division II institution will be required to complete 16 core courses.