Spartanburg School District Seven
610 Dupre Drive
Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307
Phone: 864-594-4400

Contact Us
Office of Human Resources
Hiring The Best
We have a wonderful school district and we love welcoming new talent and families to our area. Spartanburg School District 7 is a premier School District located in the beautiful area of Upstate South Carolina. We're a school district with nearly 7,500 students and 1,600 teachers and staff members. A district of our size is always hiring!
Let Our Faculty Tell You Why You Should Join Our Team!
The Best for District 7!
It is an exciting time to serve as a school administrator or classroom teacher in this dynamic district. District 7 provides innovative and demanding learning experiences by employing the most highly qualified teachers. District 7 maintains a school ‘family-like’ working relationship and an environment based on pride and excellence and our teachers are provided with necessary resources and are treated with respect.

District Seven offers a competitive salary, one which is over and above the state’s reported teacher’s salary scale. Local post-secondary educational opportunities are available through Converse College, Spartanburg Community College, University of South Carolina Upstate, and Wofford College. These institutions are not only nationally competitive, but are met with continued achievement. Currently, 69% of District 7’s certified teachers have a Masters Degree or above.
District 7 values the hard work of those teachers who voluntarily earn National Board Certification. National Board Certified Teachers receive a substantial pay increase and the ability to borrow for assessment fees. Other benefits of working for our school district include: multiple health insurance options, dental insurance, sick and personal leave, state retirement benefits, and long-term care plans.If you have submitted a CERRA application, you do not need to complete an additional one; however, please grant Spartanburg School District 7 access to your CERRA application.
The Human Resources staff is deeply committed to recruiting, selecting, employing and retaining highly-qualified personnel. We strive to develop the quality of human relationships necessary to obtain maximum staff performance and a high level of job satisfaction.
We invite you to explore our District and Spartanburg and look forward to welcoming you to our community.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement and Policy of Non-discrimination on the Basis of Disability
Spartanburg School District Seven does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color, disability, spousal affiliation, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy, service to the armed forces, or status with regard to admission to, treatment in, or employment in its programs and activities as required by Title II of ADA, Title VI, Title IX and Section 504, or any other protected characteristic, as may be required by law. Non-discrimination inquiries regarding students should be addressed to the Director of Special Services, Cheryl Revels. Non-discrimination inquiries regarding employees and adults should be directed to the Chief Human Resources Officer, Dr. Kira Reaves. Either can be contacted at The Charles H. Humphries, Jr. Administration Building, 610 Dupre Drive, Spartanburg, South Carolina 29207, 864.594.4400.