Board of Trustees with school mascots

District 7 Board of Trustees

board members

District 7 Board of Trustees: back row, James Jones, Clay Mahaffey (Board Chair), Jeff Mason, Rick Gray (Board Vice Chair), Vernon Beatty, front row, Meg Clayton, Hallie Hurst, Sharon Porter, Griffin Lynch (Board Secretary)

District 7 enjoys a strong productive working relationship between the dedicated administrators, teachers, support staff and the South Carolina Department of Education. Our Board Trustees is committed to delivering the best possible education to every student in our community and wholly embraces the District’s mission to “inspire and equip all students for meaningful lives of leadership and service as world citizens.” The Board serves as the policy-making body for the District, reviewing and adopting policies on almost every aspect of the school district. The Board works closely with District 7 Superintendent Jeff Stevens and also cultivates a strong relationship with the broader District 7 community.

The Board is comprised of nine elected representatives, each serving a four-year term. Board members are encouraged to attend training, seminars, and professional meetings to further their expertise in school board matters. Trustees closely follow the results of the state and local testing programs to ensure that our students are prepared to be college and career ready. They frequently communicate with our elected representatives on legislative mandates and funding and are ever mindful of their fiduciary responsibility to the citizens of District 7.

The Board of Trustees meets the first Tuesday of each month at the District administration building at 610 Dupre Drive. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm.

Spartanburg School District 7 uses a paperless governance solution through BoardDocs®.  This web-based system provides a means for immediately publishing and revising Board meeting agenda items, support documents, policies and procedures. You can access the public site here. 

Installation of Newly Elected Trustees and Election of Officers

In December 2023, District 7’s newly installed trustee, James Jones; and those re-elected for a new term, Meg Clayton, Rick Gray, Clay Mahaffey; all took the oath of office, pledging to serve the students, staff and families of our district to the best of their ability.

The board elected new officers in February 2024, with Clay Mahaffey as chair, Rick Gray as vice chair, and Griffin Lynch as secretary.

District 7 thanks our entire Board of Trustees for their leadership and service!

How to Speak at a Board Meeting

Our School Board meets the first Tuesday of each month (except in July & December) at the District Administration Building at 610 Dupre Drive. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm. Those wishing to make public comments during a regular monthly meeting are asked to sign up during the day of the meeting at the District Office or by calling Debbie Scharff at 594-4405.  Those wishing to make comments are also asked to review our Policy BEDH Public Participation at Meetings. 

Directions to Administration Building