Chief Academic Officer
Phone: 864-594-4408
Email Dr. Terry O. Pruitt
Contact Us
Dr. Terry O. Pruitt
Carey Moore
District 7 School Choice
Phone: 864-594-6192
Email Carey Moore
School Choice & Out-of-District Tuition

Guidelines for In-District School Choice & Out-of-District Tuition Students
While school attendance zones are based on each student’s home address, District 7 also offers families the option of applying to attend a different school within the district through our School Choice (in-district) and Out-of-District Tuition Student programs. In 2024, our Board of Trustees approved guidelines proposed by our administration for managing the School Choice and Out-of-District Tuition process. The guidelines largely reflect the procedures we have been following for some time, but provide a greater level of detail for our parents and community to help clarify and provide transparency around the application and acceptance process and timeline.
The annual application periods are March 1–31 for rising 1st–12th grades and July 15–31 for rising 5K. Applications are only accepted during the application window. The order of application submission does not impact a student's chance of acceptance. Applications are only accepted during the application window.
If your student is already participating in School Choice or as an Out-of-District Tuition student, you DO NOT need to reapply – your student will participate in returning student registration after Spring Break and will progress through the middle and high school zoned for the school they currently attend.
Open the accordions below for key points from the School Choice and Out-of-District Tuition guidelines:
How to Apply for School Choice/Out-of-District Tuition for 2025-2026
Rising 1st–12th Grades:
Application open: March 1–31
Parents should be notified of their application status by April 30
No School Choice or Out-of-District Tuition applications for rising 1st - 12th grades will be taken or considered outside the March 1-31 application window.
Rising 5K:
Application open: July 15–31
Parents should be notified of their application status by August 7.
No School Choice or Out-of-District Tuition applications for 5K will be taken or considered outside the July application window.
As a reminder, students currently on School Choice or Out-of-District Tuition DO NOT need to re-apply (if you wish to cancel your participation and return to your zoned school, please let us know via email here).
The order of application submission does not impact a student's chance of acceptance. To be as fair as possible to all who apply, a lottery will determine the order of processing applications when the number of applicants exceeds the number of available spaces.
Requirements and Important Information for Participation
Families on School Choice and Out-of-District Tuition must provide transportation for their children to and from school.
On January 30, 2025, South Carolina legislators passed a bill providing $6,000 in school choice vouchers for families for the 2025-2026 school year. As a result, we are currently reviewing our tuition structure to accommodate this change. Out-of-district tuition rates will be announced in the coming months. (Fees are waived for District 7 employees.)
Accepted students must remain at the approved school throughout the entire school year. The parent/guardian may apply for a different school during the next application window, if they wish to do so.
Athletic Eligibility for Middle School Students - Families should be aware of the rules of the South Carolina High School League, which determines eligibility for interscholastic athletics and activities for middle and high school students. The principal and athletic director at each middle school should be consulted prior to applying. A rising 8th grade student who accepts a choice/out-of-district option may lose one year of athletic eligibility.
Students enrolled in special education programs that are offered at all schools may be accepted if space is available within those programs at the requested school. Students enrolled in special education programs offered only at specific sites must continue to attend one of those sites.
Student Eligibility
To be considered, a student must meet all the following criteria at the time of application:
Live with legal guardian(s) within the boundaries of District 7 (only for students applying for in-district School Choice)
Meet District 7’s discipline, attendance, tardy, and academic grade criteria
Have not had a previous School Choice or Out-of-District Tuition acceptance revoked
Consideration of Applicants
School Choice applicants will be considered first. If space is available after their applications have been processed, residents who live outside of Spartanburg School District 7's attendance zone will be considered for enrollment as Out-Of-District Tuition Students.
Applicants who have a sibling who is 1) currently enrolled in the requested school AND 2) will continue to attend the requested school for the next school year will be considered before other applicants. Admission for siblings is not guaranteed – it is only available as space allows in schools and grade levels open to new applications for that year. When the number of eligible sibling applicants exceeds the available spaces, a lottery will determine sibling acceptances.
A lottery will determine acceptance of Out-of-District Tuition applicants when the number of submissions exceeds any remaining spaces.
Available Spaces for the 2025-2026 School Year:
Jesse Boyd Elementary
4th Grade – 4 spaces
5th Grade – 3 spaces
EP Todd School
3rd Grade – 5 spaces
4th Grade – 7 spaces
Carver Middle
All Grades Open
Spartanburg High School
(for Out-of-District Tuition Students)
Cleveland Academy of Leadership, Drayton Mills Elementary, Mary H. Wright Elementary, Pine Street Elementary and McCracken Middle are CLOSED to new applicants in grades 1-8. Available 5K spaces will be published in July when the 5K application process opens.
While we cannot guarantee every request will be fulfilled, every application will be considered according to the selection criteria.
Application for School Choice/Out-of-District Tuition Students
Information for Currently Enrolled School Choice/Out-of-District Tuition Students
Once approved, students do not need to reapply each year.
Students will automatically move up to the secondary school their choice/out-of-district approved school is zoned to attend. If you wish to cancel your participation and return to your zoned school, please let us know via email here.
Students must continue to meet disciplinary, attendance, grades, and tardy criteria, and all needed services must be available at their choice/out-of-district approved school. Students may be required to return to their zoned school at any time if these criteria are no longer met.
Students who withdraw from District 7 are not guaranteed to continue as School Choice or Out-of-District Tuition students if they re-enroll in District 7. A new application must be submitted.