Music Teachers posing with awards

During the Board of Trustees meeting in September, we honored our music teachers and celebrated District 7’s recent national designation as a “Best Community for Music Education”. Our excellence in music is attributed to several things - the support of our trustees and their belief that the arts enrich the growth and development of students in immeasurable ways; our partners and programs in the greater Spartanburg arts community; our investment in facilities that enable both creation and performance in the arts; and most of all – the many talented musicians who dedicate their careers to teaching in District 7.

Whether helping a child learn to play a musical instrument for the first time, encouraging them to audition for their school musical, or dedicating their early mornings and late nights for rehearsals, the gifts our music teachers give students have an impact that extends far beyond music alone. We often hear stories about the most unlikely of students discovering a talent they didn’t know they had, and developing a love of music that led them to finally find their place - their people - within District 7. We recognized ALL these teachers, because each one contributes to making District 7 a best community for music education.

Each teacher received a framed poster celebrating this award to hang in their classroom, so that all students may take pride in their teacher, their school, and their district. Hannah Simpson, Education Manager with the Spartanburg Philharmonic Orchestra, brought the school district the opportunity to pursue the award and encouraged Dr. Terry Pruitt to apply for the designation was also recognized at the meeting. Our work together across the greater Spartanburg community enables students to be enriched by music and to grow as musicians!

We congratulate all 28 music educators (some of whom were unable to attend due to rehearsals with student ensembles): Adena McDaniel, Alexa Cotran, Allison Key, Bobby Cotter, Chelsea Durrah, Denise Arthurs, Gary Stroup, Helen Tipton, Janet Kuntz, Jeff Key, Jeff Kuntz, Jennifer Diehn, Jessica King, John Kvasnicka, Joseph Gonzales, Kate Thrift-Winch, Kevin Maloney, Kim Colon, Leigha Keller, Lori Patterson, Matt McDaniel, Megan Hannon, Mirella Samuels, Rachel Odom, Robin DeHollander, Sam Tam, Sharon Atherton, Theresa Jenkins-Russ, and Nate Erps.