Free meals for all D7 students banner

We have wonderful news for our D7 families for the 2023-2024 school year:  EVERY student will now be able to enjoy a FREE breakfast and lunch each school day, thanks to the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program!

The CEP Free Meal applies to full meals only (for more information on what makes a meal, please visit My Plate).

Parents will not need to submit free and reduced lunch applications for the 2023-2024 school year. Please note families are still responsible for unpaid meal balances from prior years (these may be paid in full or by making payments).

Individual and special sales items, as well as extra meals, may be purchased with cash or through available funds on students’ accounts. If a student wishes to have more than one meal, USDA regulations require any additional meals sold to students be at the adult meal price.

Adult meals are available for purchase at the following prices:

  • Breakfast: $3.20

  • Lunch: $4.85

We are excited to offer this benefit to our students and families and look forward to serving nutritious meals that fuel our students’ achievement this year!

Please use this link to select the menu at your school