James A. Jones

The Spartanburg School District Seven Board of Trustees announces the appointment of James A. Jones to fill the vacant board seat for District 7-1 for the remainder of the current term, which ends in November. Mr. Jones will be installed on April 20th .

“Our board was fortunate to have three excellent candidates to consider, and we appreciate their interest and their dedication to supporting our community’s children,” said Board Chair Sharon Porter. “The board was unanimous in selecting Mr. Jones to fill the unexpired term and we look forward to working alongside him as we serve all students, parents, and staff across District Seven.”

The vacancy on District Seven’s nine-member board resulted from the passing of Kenneth Myers, Sr., who served from 2020-2023. State law requires school boards in Spartanburg County to appoint a successor to fill unexpired board vacancies that may occur. The District Seven Board opened an application process and invited candidates to address the board during a special called meeting on March 29, 2023. The board voted to approve the nomination of Mr. Jones during its regular board meeting on April 11, 2023.