Education Common Sense District 2021-2023 badge

For the first time in history, Spartanburg School District 7 and every one of its schools have been certified for digital citizenship by Common Sense Media.

Nearly ten years after D7 launched its ambitious 1:1 technology initiative on the premise that every child should be afforded an equal opportunity to succeed, the impact of our digital immersion has exceeded expectations. It is evidenced by heightened levels of student and faculty engagement with our digital platforms, by innovative advances in curriculum design to incorporate digital literacy, and by numerous national organizations having commended our progress.

Now, the nation’s leading tech-savvy gurus at Common Sense Education, who help families and educators thrive in a world of media and technology, have singled out D7 and all its schools for embracing digital citizenship as an important component of students' education. Pointing to a commitment to teaching students how to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world, Common Sense Media Education applauded the entire D7 school system for equipping students to navigate the digital world and to compete, succeed and participate ethically in society.

Dr. Wanda Greenfield, Coordinator of Instructional and Assistive Technology, said, "We are so thrilled to have all our schools and the school district become Common Sense Media Certified. This accomplishment reflects the continuous work being done by students, teachers, administrators, and families. We strive to ensure our students are learning and building a solid foundation of digital citizenship so they may become thriving members of a digital society operating in a global world.”

Common Sense Media “is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.” You can learn more about their resources for families here.