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It's flu season, and the number of those infected across our area continues to rise. Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. Symptoms include a sudden onset of fever, dry cough, headache, muscle aches, tiredness, sore throat and nasal congestion or stuffiness. It can cause mild to severe illness and can result in hospitalization or death.

“Our schools have yet to see anything out of the ordinary in terms of absences due to the flu," Joylyn Robinson, D7 Director of Health Services said. "However, to note like most regions, we typically see an influx and experience our peak in February. "

With flu season in mind, the District does not take any risks. In an effort to slow the spread of illnesses, school custodians are paying special attention to disinfecting classrooms and cleaning frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, water fountains, and bathrooms, and have been doing extra cleaning of surfaces daily and between classes. We feel like the extra cleaning protocols we have in place have been effective. Nurses are also doing a good job of isolating students with a fever until they can be picked up, and enforcing the 'no return for 24 hours' policy.

As we continue to be vigilant, we encourage our families to heed the following information from the CDC - covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and throwing away the tissue. Also, washing your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.

Ms. Robinson reminds, "Anyone experiencing symptoms of the flu to include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headaches, or chills should remain home until being seen by a physician." 

All schools offered the flu vaccine to students and staff last fall, but as a reminder it’s not too late to get a flu shot. The flu vaccine is available at many health providers, pharmacies and urgent care centers, as well as at the Spartanburg County Health Department by appointment. 


SCDHEC has an informative resource guide for parents here.