Todd White photo credit USGA/Chris Keane

In the spring of 2024, District 7 hosted a team from the US Golf Association (USGA) at Spartanburg High School for a feature article they were writing on SHS history teacher and golf coach Todd White. Their story was not about his lengthy list of amateur golf accolades, to which he recently added a second USGA title by winning the 2023 U.S. Senior Amateur. Rather, the team was interested in following along with a day in the life of Todd White, the SHS teacher and coach. As conversations unfolded with White and his students, colleagues, and administrators, it was clear that our District 7 community embraces and supports both students and staff alike as they follow their dreams. It was clear that we consider the success of our individuals to be our collective success, and that having great role models in our midst leads to excellence and is integral to fulfilling our mission "to inspire and equip".

Enjoy this spotlight on our high school and the Todd White below:

At Top of His Class: 2-Time USGA Champ White Also Excels as History Teacher

(Photo credit USGA/Chris Keane)