and, of course, The CEREAL...
On Friday, March 7, Pine Street Elementary's students and staff gathered throughout the school's hallowed halls for a domino show extraordinaire to mark the school's 95th anniversary. Each class had collected 95 cereal boxes to help families in need. In total, 1,600 boxes were to be donated to two local nonprofit organizations, Hand-in-Hand Spartanburg and Cannons Campground Methodist Church. But first, the boxes had an important role to play in a ceremonial show to mark the occasion.
Pine participated in the Cereal Box Domino Challenge, a community service initiative with the fun twist of lining up the boxes and setting them off on a domino chain before they are donated. Excited students had lined Pine's hallways in anticipation, and they erupted with cheers as first grade teacher Zonya Johnson (who is also District 7's Teacher of the Year) tipped the first box to launch the domino chain. A chorus of noisemakers and confetti followed the cereal boxes as they toppled over on their trip around each hallway.
"Our classes typically collect 100 canned goods to donate for our 100th day of school, but the 95th anniversary created a fun opportunity to switch things up and incorporate the Cereal Box Domino Challenge into our celebration. So instead of cans, this year each class collected 95 cereal boxes," said Principal Dennis Regnier. "There was great energy among our students, teachers, and parents from doing something new; and centering our celebration around community service reinforced our mission and values as a school and district."
The fun Friday was a great ending to the week. Happy anniversary to our "Mighty Fine Pine" – 95 never looked so good!